One would think that wrangling toddlers, nursing newborns, and reasoning with back-talking pre-teens would make it easy to catch some z’s at night. But we’ve all been there: you’ve had a day from H-E-double hockey sticks and as soon as your head hits the pillow, you find yourself tossing and turning long past everyone’s bedtime. A sleep log could be the answer to your restless nights. Here’s what you need to know to start your own: Read More “A Beginner’s Guide to Sleep Logs”
How to Be a Niftier Thrifter
If you’ve ever met a professional thrifter, you know that they’re fluent in the art of the #humblebrag. It’s almost as if they’re waiting for you to compliment their adorably vintage necklace/shirt/coffee table so that they can (ever so casually) mention that they snagged it for 30 cents at Goodwill. We might not ever be able to get on their level, but there’s no harm in trying. Here are our thriftiest tips: Read More “How to Be a Niftier Thrifter”
Upping Your Kid’s Snack Game
Pretzels, string cheese, goldfish, repeat. If this sounds like a highlight reel of your child’s afternoon snacking ritual, you’re not alone. In a perfect world free of diaper blowouts and meltdowns, we’d only feed our kids colorful arrangements of veggies in the shape of ladybugs and butterflies. But when you’ve got a bazillion things to get done at once, convenience is everything. Here are our fave snacks that are just as nutritious as they are easy.
Managing Sibling Rivalries Like a Boss
When you imagined life with a second child, you probably had this idyllic vision of your kids playing in harmony and instantly becoming built-in besties. They’re siblings, after all, so they must have a lot in common, right?
Mother’s Day Care Package for Grandmothers
When it comes to Mother’s Day, thoughtful crafts are what shine the most. I still cherish the flower tipped pen that my daughter gave me her first year of PreK. The ladder art with a picture of my son climbing into the stars with the words, “Mom, I love you to the moon and back,” that he gave me in first grade still hangs in my bedroom closet three years later. These thoughtful gifts melt nurturing mama hearts on Mother’s Day because they’re created by the people we love the most.
The Puzzle Fundraiser: Pieces of An Adoption Story
When I was in third grade, I wanted to be an ice cream cone for Halloween. My mom happily supported me by buying me two poster boards to make said costume. You see, my mom didn’t believe in buying store-bought costumes (or much of store-bought anything) to encourage creativity, and also because I’m one of five kids, so: budgeting. I cut out two large triangles to make a sandwich board cone and then painted my face pink for strawberry ice cream. I even attached scraps of poster board colored red for a cherry on top of my head.
My mom told me I looked darling, but everyone thought I was pizza. I truly wish I had a picture right now, but just imagine an awkward little girl with a bowl cut, dressed like pizza ice cream and… you get the idea.
Read More “The Puzzle Fundraiser: Pieces of An Adoption Story”
Ideas for Affordable Mother’s Day Fun
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and I for one am super excited for my first official Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a great excuse to spend time bonding with your mama. If you’re on a budget, there are so many things you can do together that won’t cost a fortune. Whether it’s breakfast in bed or a movie marathon, these fun and affordable activities for Mother’s Day are a great way to spend time together.
Ellie and I have compiled this list to help keep Mother’s Day fun and affordable. We would love to know what you end up doing for Mothers Day, so stop by and let us know!
5 Steps to a Perfect Father’s Day
“Did you hear about the restaurant on the moon? Great food, no atmosphere.” Even if he tells the worst jokes, Dad deserves a Father’s Day worth remembering. Honor your dad, husband, or grandpa on a day filled with family, love, and lots of fun with the help of these 5 simple tips.
The Ultimate Easter Basket Gift Guide
Break out the pastels and cute, critter shaped candies, its Easter basket season. Marshmallow chicks and chocolate bunnies are classic staples that every kid’s Easter basket should hold, but further than that can be quite the undertaking. This Ultimate Easter Basket Gift Guide is full of thoughtful, spring inspired ideas that won’t be forgotten or tossed aside the morning after the delicious chocolate bunny has lost its ears (if you don’t eat it ears first, who even are you!)
Board Book Story: Celebrating Family Near & Far
We are so fortunate to have most of our family living close to us – and by close, I mean, hey-lets-meet-for-supper-tonight, close. But we do have some family that are a few hours away. While I know that’s hardly “far” for some folks, who have loved ones living in different time zones, it’s still far enough to make seeing them as often as we’d like pretty much impossible.