7 Photos to Take of Your Kids This Fall

By Holly Sosa /

It’s finally here! September 23rd made it official, friends. Fall is here to stay. Well, at least until December 21st when winter solstice comes. With fall here, my sworn duty as memory keeper is documenting all of the best things about the coziest of seasons. Simplifying always works for me and having a small list with thoughtful locations and traditions helps to ensure I don’t get stressed out about taking pictures and can enjoy the moments with my family. This is a simplified list of seven photos to take of your kids this fall so you can preserve your favorite autumn memories without being overwhelmed. 

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Fall into Autumn with these 12 Picture Books

By Miranda Rosbach /

Whenever autumn rolls around, I play an imaginary mental merry-go-round of determining whether it is truly my favorite season. On the one hand, it beckons the arrival of colder weather; while on the other, it seems to extend summer into a sort of colorful coziness that feels like a grand swan song.

In truth, I honestly love it. Long before pumpkin spice lattes had their own acronym, my family would pilgrimage up the Rocky Mountains and take autumn hikes, surrounded by the colorful tones of pumpkin, pomegranate, and turmeric. Nowadays we take our girls apple picking and make cider donuts to celebrate the arrival of sweater weather. No matter how many autumns you’ve experienced, the season always feels ripe with possibility. So grab your scarf and a mug of tea—these 12 books are best enjoyed with company. 

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Showing Gratitude with an “I’m Thankful For” Book

By Nicole Boggs /

It’s important to instill a sense of gratitude in your child from a young age. Teaching your Little to say a simple thank-you can help foster a lifelong mindset of gratitude. Using the All About Me photo book template, I created a custom ‘I am Thankful’ photo book, and completed with my 3-year-old daughter, Clara.  It was incredible to get a glimpse into her world, and the keepsake we created is absolutely priceless.

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A Summer Board Book Story

By Miranda Rosbach /

A few months ago I was at a conference in Washington, D.C., and saw another family enjoying brunch on a weekend morning. Tucked into the folds of their stroller canopy I saw a familiar spiral binding peeking out. To which I knowingly questioned, “Is that a Pinhole Press book?” The surprised mother, looked up, slightly confused, then enthusiastically said, “Yes, yes it is!”.

Since becoming a parent I often look for those little moments. Making connections with strangers, usually parents with small children too, and somehow acknowledging that Hey, we’re on the same team. 

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Fall Activities that Aren’t Pumpkin Picking

By Abby Tolbert /

Autumn is pretty much everyone’s favorite season. The pumpkin spice lattes, the piles of leaves, and the fresh-baked cookies just make you want to curl up in a blanket and never leave your couch’s comforting embrace. While pumpkin and apple picking are solid fall activities, we don’t see the harm in mixing things up. Here are some ideas for some classic fall fun.

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The Benefits of Personalized Art for Kids

By Pinhole Press /

There’s nothing sweeter than a tiny Picasso gifting you a finger-painted masterpiece, or a classic noodle necklace. Children’s art is so much more than mindless play. Time with crayons and paints can help foster a child’s creativity, improve their fine motor skills, and more. Read on to discover the lasting impact that personalized art can have on your child’s life. Read More “The Benefits of Personalized Art for Kids”