Meet the Designer: Bridgette Salvon-Bernt

By Pinhole Press /

Designer. Wife. Mom. One-half of Earmark Social Goods, a company dedicated to spreading their message of ‘Create Happiness’ with handcrafted, customized art, including illustrations, designs, and photography. Together, Bridgette and her husband Mike, the other half of Earmark Social Goods, have a 2.5-year-old kiddo named Joe, a sweet dog named Lucy and a stinky cat named Toof.

Designer Bridgette Salvon-Bernt and family

As of high school, Bridgette knew that design is what she should be doing:

“I had a graphics teacher that let me spend extra time in her classroom. She even let me create a Graphics IV class that didn’t exist so I could spend an extra year taking graphics classes. I have always LOVED color, composition and typography. It has always been a part of me. I continued on to Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY where I was an Illustration major.”

We asked Bridgette a few questions to learn more about her passion for design.

What is your favorite medium?
I use my computer most of the time but I really love using clay and paint. Being on the computer so much makes me long to actually get my hands dirty. It’s also super nice to just pull out the sketchbook and draw from time to time.
What do you enjoy designing most?
I like designing pretty much everything, except boring business materials – blah to those. Gimme color, patterns and textures and I can design most anything with a smile on my face.
What inspires you?
I get inspiration from everything! You just never know when it’s gonna hit you. Could be a piece of trash on the ground that happens to have a cool pattern. Could be the color of the ocean, my kiddo running around in a cape, someone from history, a song… Life is inspiring and you can find beauty and art in pretty much every little detail. It’s amazing.
What is something most people don’t know about you?

I’m a Disney nut. For real, my parents brought us to Disney World as a kid a few times and after I read Walt’s Biography and did a report on him, I was hooked. I admire his sense of grandeur, his ability to dream bigger than big. I could go to Disney any day of the week and be the happiest girl in the world. I cannot wait to take my son!

It’s Bridgette’s love for color and skill with patterns that led us to ask if she would like to design our new Easter Edition Memory Game. Her response was a resounding, yes!

After some creative genius and a few rounds of revisions, here’s the final design, chosen by our customers, available in pink, green and blue!


Earmark Social Goods creates affordable home and office art that inspires happiness. We love their clever gifts and often collaborate on giveaways, so follow us on Instagram to win!

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