Youth sport coaches volunteer months of their time to help the children of the community become more active, learn to work as a team and improve their knowledge of the sport. Each year, children are eager to participate in their new favorite sport. And often times, some of the best family moments are created throughout these seasons.
Now is the time when the end of the season is near and the parents want to show their appreciation. The commitment and dedication these coaches have given throughout the season is worthy of a reward.
Here are five personalized gift ideas to give youth sports coaches at the season’s end.
Framed and Signed Photo of the Team
A coach will most likely be with the same group of players for only one season. Coaches enjoy their role and want to remember their time spent with each player. A framed photo of the entire team, that each player signs, is a great gift at the end of the season. This is a memorable treasure that coaches can cherish as their time comes to an end with the team that year.
Custom Photo Soda/ Beer Labels
This is a great and fun gift for coaches who love the occasional bottled beverage. Custom labels are a simple gift that can be placed on the bottled beverage of your choice, and it is a fun gift to give. The coaches will be able to save the bottles as a souvenir. The featured photo can be of the team or the team’s logo.
Softcover Photo Book
In order to make the most of the season, why not make a photo book that can relive the moments shared throughout the year. It would be a fun activity for the players if they would be willing to help make the gift, as well as for the parents that can look back on pictures throughout the year. Coaches will appreciate the effort made by the parents and players, and it will be a unique and admirable gift they can keep.
Photo Magnet
This is a simple, yet thoughtful gift that can be given on a budget. They come in different sizes and sets too, which is helpful. They will be reminded of the memorable group of players every time another Gatorade is drawn out of the fridge.
Customized Hat
A large majority of coaches are notorious for wearing a cap on their head. A personalized hat given by the players would give a sentimental meaning to the gift and could be the coach’s new favorite lid. The hat can be embroidered with the players’ names on the sides and the team name can be embroidered on the front. Really, the hat can be personalized any way that fits. Embroidery isn’t too expensive and can be done in many different local establishments such as Lids or a local clothing design shop.
Know the personality of the coach.
If the coach enjoys Texas Roadhouse, feel free to get them a gift card. Sometimes the simple gifts can be surprisingly meaningful. However, customized or personable gifts are priceless for coaches. Whether it was a winning season or not, the coach takes pride in the opportunity they are given to have a major impact on the young athletes’ lives. A gift that furnished effort from the players can give the coaches a moment of gratitude at the end of the season.
Need more gift ideas? Check out all of Pinhole Press’s top-selling photo gifts.

About the Author
My name is Dan Fratianni and I am a summer intern for Pinhole Press. I am going into my senior year at the College at Brockport, studying marketing with a coaching minor. I am a baseball maniac, an above average cook and I travel as much as I can.