11x14" - 1 Photo, Wood Frame

11x14 Framed Print

$54.99 $46.74

8x10" - 1 Photo, Wood Frame

8x10 Framed Print

$43.99 $37.39

8x10" - 1 Photo, Wood Frame

8x10 Name Frame Print

$43.99 $37.39

5.5 x 4" - 1 Photo

Horizontal Photo Magnet

$5.49 $4.67

5.5 x 4" - 1 Photo

Horizontal Photo Magnet with Name

$5.49 $4.67

14.375 x 10.25" - 1 Photo, Boxed

12-Piece Photo Puzzle

$27.49 $23.37

14.375 x 10.25" - 1 Photo, Boxed

60-Piece Photo Puzzle

$27.49 $23.37

14.375 x 10.25" - 1 Photo, Boxed

252-Piece Photo Puzzle

$27.49 $23.37

10x10" - 1 Photo, Wood Frame

10x10 Framed Print

$49.99 $42.49

2.875 x 3.5" 1-Photo

Custom Photo Beer Labels

$13.99 $11.89

16.3 x 11" - 1 Photo

Photo Scribble Pad

$21.99 $18.69

About Pinhole Press One Photo Gifts

The Pinhole Press one-photo gift, gift guide is a helpful tool to find a personalized gift that only requires one photo. This gift guide is a great tool for first time customers, gift-givers and long time customers alike. Finding a gift with a small personal touch can be difficult. One-photo gifts are a great way to add a personal element to any present. Browse the variety including– Framed Prints, Photo Magnets, Bottle Labels, Photo Notepads, Puzzles and more.